August 2024 – Five Star Wealth Manager – Patrick Dougherty was selected for the list of Five Star Wealth Managers of outstanding professionals as published in the August 2024 issue of Texas Monthly Magazine.  Award candidates who satisfied ten objective eligibility and evaluation criteria were named 2024 Five Star Wealth Managers.  Eligibility Criteria - Required: (1) Credentialed as a registered investment advisor; (2) Actively employed as a credentialed professional in the financial services industry for a minimum 5 years; (3) Favorable regulatory and compliance history review; (4) Fulfilled firm review based on internal standards; (5) Accepting new clients.  Evaluation Criteria - Considered: (6) One-year client retention rate; (7) Five-year client retention rate; (8) Non-institutional discretionary and or non-discretionary client assets administered; (9) Number of client households served; (10) Education and professional education.  4,274 Dallas/Fort Worth-region wealth managers were considered for the award with 336 (8% of candidates) named 2024 Five Star Wealth Managers.  This is Patrick's 12th year to be selected.

April 2024 – Celebrating our 20th Year – Dougherty Wealth Management begins its 20th year in business. We have provided our clients with sound financial and wealth management advice through challenging market cycles that came with the “Dot.Com Crash;” Hurricane Catrina; Bear Stearn’s Collapse’ Sub-Prime Crisis; AIG Bailout; Affordable Care Act; Lehman Bros.; Bailout; and Covid 19 to name a few. We thank our clients for giving us their continued loyalty and trust.   

February 2024 – CFP® Disciplinary and Ethics Commission Hearings – The CFP Board enforces its standards through a peer-review process. As part of that process, the Board’s Disciplinary and Ethics Commission (the DEC), holds hearings using “Hearing Panels” which is a peer-review body composed of CFP professionals and members of the public, The Hearing Panels review the cases and make recommendations to the DEC. Patrick served on the Hearing Panels in 2009, 2019 and most recently in February of 2024

December 2023 - Southern Methodist University – Patrick Dougherty was invited to speak to the Continuing and Professional Education’s “Investments” class for Certified Financial Planner candidates.  Topics: The Value of Professional Associations, and "Client Acquisition Techniques.”

November 2023 – D Magazine – Patrick Dougherty, founder, and President of Dougherty Wealth Management, was again nominated to the list of the “Best Financial Planners in Dallas” published in the November 2023 issue of D Magazine.  This exclusive peer nominated list is compiled by balloting Certified Financial Planners (CFP©) in Dallas/Ft. Worth to ask them whom they considered the most skilled and experienced in the industry. This is Patrick's 15th year to receive the nomination.

October 2023 – Career Development Panel – Patrick Dougherty was asked to participate on a Career Development Panel presented by the Financial Planning Association of Dallas/Ft. Worth to their Mid-Career planners. Topics covered:1) How to succeed in starting your own business within the competitive environment of over 10,000 financial planners in the metroplex; 2) How to communicate your value proposition to potential clients; 3) Building trust with the public who is told everyday by the media to not trust their advisors.

August 2023 – Tips for the NexGen Community – In the “FPA Next Generation Planner” section of the August 203 issue of the Journal of Financial Planning, under “Tips for the NexGen Community – The FPA Community Weighs in on Lessons Learned,” Patrick Dougherty discusses the power of gratitude. He has received expressions of gratitude from his clients for his commitment to their financial wellbeing and the wellbeing of their families. This has in turn created a desire in him to express his gratitude to them for placing their trust in him and a promise to them to work to continuously earn their trust.

August 2023 – Texas Monthly Magazine - Patrick Dougherty was selected for the list of Five Star Wealth Managers of outstanding professionals as published in the August 2023 issue of Texas Monthly Magazine.  Award candidates who satisfied 10 objective eligibility and evaluation criteria were named 2023 Five Star Wealth Managers. Eligibility Criteria – Required: (1) Credentialed as a registered investment advisor, (2) Actively employed as a credentialed professional in the financial services industry for a minimum 5 years, (3) Favorable regulatory and compliance history review; (4) Fulfilled firm review based on internal standards; (5) Accepting new clients. Evaluation Criteria - Considered: (6) One-year client retention rate, (7) Five-year client retention rate, (8) Non-institutional discretionary and or non-discretionary client assets administered, (9) Number of client households served, (10) Education and professional education. 4,274 Dallas/Ft. Worth-region wealth managers were considered for the award, 336 (8% of candidates) were named 2023 Five Start Wealth Managers.  This is Patrick's 11th year to be selected.

May 2023 – Journal of Financial Planning – with the May issue of the Journal of Financial Planning, in the “FPA Next Generation Planner” section, under the heading “Tips for the NexGen Community – The FPA Community Weighs in on Serving Clients,” Patrick Dougherty is quoted regarding tools and tips to help planners demonstrate their technical knowledge of mortgages, auto loans and consumer loans to clients.

March 2023 – – Patrick Dougherty was interviewed for the article, “Mastering Effective Listening,” posted to Patrick provided background on the educational options available to advisors. Also, how applying psychology when using empathic listening can help them answer open end questions.

January 2023 – Financial Planning Magazine – Interviewed and quoted in the article, “Advisors Finding Good Bets for High-Net-Worth Clients in Alternative Investments,” by Dan Shaw. Mr. Dougherty discussed the different strategies used by advisors to create oppositely correlated portfolios to minimize the effect of volatile markets.  Also discussed was the challenge to advisors of performing “due diligence" on alternative investments including Real Estate Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies, Private Equity, Private Debt, etc.

December 2022 –Journal of Financial Planning – Patrick Dougherty has been appointed to another term with the Journal of Financial Planning’s (JFP’s) Editorial Review Board.  The JFP is a peer reviewed publication, considered to be the premier “academic” journal of the financial planning profession.  The Editorial Review Board plays an essential role in evaluating manuscripts being considered for publication.  Members of the board contribute their expertise on varied financial planning topics, assessing submissions for technical accuracy, soundness of research, quality of writing, objectivity, pertinence, and benefit to Journal readers.

November 2022 – Best Financial Planner – Patrick Dougherty, founder and President of Dougherty Wealth Management, was again nominated to D Magazine’s list of the “Best Financial Planners in Dallas” published in their November 2022 issue.  This exclusive peer nominated list is compiled by surveying Certified Financial Planners (CFP©) in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex.  This is Patrick's 14th year to receive the nomination.

August 2022 – Five Star Wealth Manager - Patrick Dougherty was selected for the list of Five Star Wealth Managers for “Best in Client Satisfaction” as published in the August 2022 issue of Texas Monthly Magazine.  Each advisor was evaluated on nine criteria: (i) customer service, (ii) integrity, (iii) knowledge/expertise, (iv) communication, (v) value for fee charged, (vi) whether the wealth manager meets client financial objectives, (vii) post sale service, (viii) quality of recommendations and (ix) overall satisfaction.  This is Patrick's 10th year to be selected. 

August 2022 – Wharton School - Executive Education – Patrick completed the course requirements for the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania’s Client Psychology Program. The curriculum is designed to help financial advisors develop a more effective client-centered practice by drawing heavily on advances in psychology, behavior finance, evidence-based decision making, and the human sciences to better understand the biases behaviors, and perceptions that impact client decision making and financial well-being.

February 2022 – Hope Cottage - Patrick Dougherty was named Vice President of Finance and Treasurer of the Hope Cottage Pregnancy and Adoption Center. With this roll he will sit on the Executive Committee. Hope Cottage nurtures and builds families through education, counseling and adoption services, and supports adoption as a lifelong process by honoring their clients’ decisions.

November 2021 – Best Financial Planner – Patrick Dougherty, founder and President of Dougherty Wealth Management, was again nominated to D Magazine’s list of the “Best Financial Planners in Dallas” published in their November 2021 issue.  This exclusive peer nominated list is compiled by surveying Certified Financial Planners (CFP©) in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex.

August 2021 – Texas Monthly Magazine – Selected for the 2021 list of “Five Star Wealth Managers” for Best in Client Satisfaction as published in the August issue of Texas Monthly Magazine.  Each advisor was evaluated on nine criteria: (i) customer service, (ii) integrity, (iii) knowledge/expertise, (iv) communication, (v) value for fee charged, (vi) whether the wealth manager meets client financial objectives, (vii) post sale service, (viii) quality of recommendations and (ix) overall satisfaction. This is Patrick's 9th year to be selected. 

July 2021 – Think – Interview for the article, “The Best Career Advice You’ve Ever Gotten: Advisors’ Advice” - Patrick Dougherty discusses the advisory board he created when he founded Dougherty Wealth Management.  Designed to provide expertise, information, advice, quality, and professionalism to his practice, the board provided big picture guidance: pinpointing potential pitfalls in the business and marketing plans.  “We selected the best people from across eight disciplines (accounting, management, law, consulting, performance development, etc.).” 

July 2021 – Editorial Review Board – Patrick Dougherty has been appointed to another term with the Journal of Financial Planning’s (JFP’s) Editorial Review Board.  The JFP is a peer reviewed publication, considered to be the premier “academic” journal of the financial planning profession.  The Editorial Review Board plays an essential role in evaluating manuscripts being considered for publication.  Members of the board contribute their expertise on varied financial planning topics, assessing submissions for technical accuracy, soundness of research, quality of writing, objectivity, pertinence, and benefit to Journal readers.

March 2021 – FPA DFW Career Development Seminar – Patrick Dougherty presented and moderated a panel for the Financial Planning Association of Dallas/Fort Worth’s titled “Client Acquisition in 2021 – “Best Practices.”  The panel discussion covered the most effective ways that financial planners can approach the marketplace.

December 2020 – Best Financial Planner – Patrick Dougherty, founder and President of Dougherty Wealth Management, was again nominated to D Magazine’s list of the "Best Financial Planners in Dallas" published in their November 2020 issue. This exclusive peer nominated list is compiled by surveying Certified Financial Planners (CFP®) in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex to ask them: "Who, outside their own companies, would they recommend?"

September 2020 – Accredited Estate Planner™ – Patrick Dougherty completed the requirements to become an Accredited Estate Planner™ (AEP®).  The Accredited Estate Planner is a graduate level designation administered by the National Association of Estate Planners & Councils.  The AEP® designation is awarded to estate planning professionals who meet special requirements of education, experience, knowledge, professional reputation, and character.  To attain the right to use the AEP® marks, an individual must satisfactorily fulfill the following requirements:

1. Credentials - An AEP® must be actively licensed or certified as an attorney; accountant, financial planner, philanthropic advisor, or trust officer.

2. Estate Planning Activities - An AEP® must have acquired extensive knowledge as an estate planner devoting at least a third of one's professional time to estate planning activities, including the accumulation, preservation, and transfer of assets through proper planning.

3. Experience - An AEP® must either: (1) have a minimum of five years of professional experience as an estate planner and have successfully completed two graduate courses in estate planning from The American College or from another accredited graduate program as part of a master's or doctoral degree; or (2) have a minimum of fifteen years of professional experience as an estate planning practitioner.

4. Affiliation - An AEP® must continuously maintain membership in an affiliated estate planning council.

5. Professional Reputation - An AEP® must remain in good standing within his or her respective professional organization(s) and license(s), and must be highly recommended by three unrelated, credentialed professionals practicing within the disciplines recognized by the NAEPC.

6. Commitment to Ethics - An AEP® must sign a declaration agreeing to continuously abide by the NAEPC Code of Ethics.

7. Dedication to the Team Concept - An AEP® must be committed to the team concept of estate planning.

8. Continuing Education - An AEP® must complete at least 30 credits of continuing education (15 of which must be in estate planning), every two years and certify this to the NAEPC on an annual basis. This requirement insures that designation holders maintain a high level of expertise and remain current with the latest developments in estate planning.

9. Dedication to the Client - An AEP® must remain dedication and loyal to his or her clients.

10.Annual Audit - Each year an audit of randomly selected active designees is conducted to verify compliance with the requirements of continuing education, council affiliation, current licensing, and active practice.

August 2020 – Texas Monthly Magazine – Selected for the 2020 list of “Five Star Wealth Managers” for Best in Client Satisfaction as published in the August issue of Texas Monthly Magazine.  Each advisor was evaluated on nine criteria: (i) customer service, (ii) integrity, (iii) knowledge/expertise, (iv) communication, (v) value for fee charged, (vi) whether the wealth manager meets client financial objectives, (vii) post sale service, (viii) quality of recommendations and (ix) overall satisfaction. This is Patrick's 8th year to be selected. 

July 2020 – “Advising During a Bear Market”– As the Career Development Director of the FPA DFW Chapter of the Financial Planning Association, Patrick Dougherty presented a virtual seminar.

April 2020 – 15 Year Anniversary – Dougherty Wealth Management is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year.  Dougherty Wealth Management is the architect of the Resource Allocation Advantage™, a system that empowers their clients to make better choices in the use of their resources to achieve their family's goals.

January 2020 – Southern Methodist University – Patrick Dougherty was invited to speak as a Guest Lecturer for SMU’s Professional Education Capstone Class for Certified Financial Planner candidates.

January 2020 – Financial Planning Association of Dallas/Fort Worth – Patrick Dougherty and a colleague, presented a Career Development Seminar titled, “Marketing for New Financial Planners” to the chapter’s young professionals.

November 2019 – Best Financial Planner – Patrick Dougherty, founder and President of Dougherty Wealth Management, was again nominated to D Magazine’s list of the "Best Financial Planners in Dallas" published in their November 2019 issue. This exclusive peer nominated list is compiled by surveying Certified Financial Planners (CFP®) in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex to ask them: "Who, outside their own companies, would they recommend?"

October 2019 – Chairman’s Award – Financial Planning Association. Patrick Dougherty was chosen to receive the Chairman’s Award by the Dallas/Fort Worth Chapter’s Chairperson, in recognition of his “Dedication and contribution to the financial planning profession.”

September 2019 – Dallas Chamber Symphony – Patrick Dougherty was honored to be invited to join the Board of Directors of the Dallas Chamber Symphony.  The Dallas Chamber Symphony engages community audiences and enriches people’s lives by sharing in the discovery, creation, exploration and enjoyment of great music.  The orchestra presents diverse, innovative and imaginative concerts that engage Dallas audiences in the intimate setting of the new Dallas City Performance Hall.  Their performances give the audiences a chamber music experience that balances both underrepresented and standard repertory and includes contemporary music.

June 2019 – Leadership Dallas Class of 2019 – Patrick Dougherty graduated with the Dallas Regional Chamber’s Leadership Dallas Class of 2019 in June.  Leadership Dallas prepares a diverse group of leaders to serve as agents and sustainers of positive change for the quality of life in the Dallas Region.  The program serves as an opportunity for individuals who are both acknowledged and aspiring leaders to continue their professional development and further cultivate a demonstrated commitment to serving the community.

June 2019 – Financial Planning Association of Dallas/Fort Worth – Patrick Dougherty and colleague, presented a seminar titled “The Financial Planning Process Demystified” to the chapter’s young professionals.  The seminar described how to translate the Seven Step Planning Process into best practices for implementation.

May 2019 – Financial Planning Magazine – Interviewed and quoted in the article, “Why So Many Advisors Are Switching Firms” by Jessica Mathews focusing on the shortage of advisors and the effect it is having on the retention of advisors by financial planning firms.

May 2019 – Hope Cottage - Patrick Dougherty is honored to join the Board of Directors of Hope Cottage Pregnancy and Adoption Center.  Hope Cottage nurtures and builds families through education, counseling and adoption services and supports adoption as a lifelong process by honoring our clients' decisions.

April 2019 – Financial Planning Magazine – Interviewed and quoted in the article, “Do Charles Schwab RIAs Think Their Custodian is Competition?” by Jessica Mathews focusing on the increased interest in Schwab’s new subscription-based model for its hybrid robo advisor.  The article also discusses the level of satisfaction of some financial advisors with the custodian’s new offering.

January 2019 – Financial Planning Association of Dallas/Fort Worth – Patrick was nominated to serve as the Career Development Director of the FPA DFW Board of Directors.

December 2018 – Southern Methodist University – Patrick Dougherty retired from teaching the Certified Financial Planner™ Curriculum.  Mr. Dougherty taught a total of thirty-three semester courses at the Southern Methodist University and University of Dallas from 2004-2018.  "In addition to encouraging and fostering the next generation of CFP® teaching is a great way to stay sharp and focused in any discipline."  Patrick Dougherty. 

November 2018 – Best Financial Planner – Patrick Dougherty, founder and President of Dougherty Wealth Management, was again nominated to D Magazine’s list of the "Best Financial Planners in Dallas" published in their November 2018 issue. This exclusive peer nominated list is compiled by surveying Certified Financial Planners (CFP®) in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex to ask them: "Who, outside their own companies, would they recommend?"

September 2018 – Leadership Dallas – Patrick Dougherty was selected for the Dallas Regional Chamber’s Leadership Dallas Class of 2019.  Leadership Dallas prepares a diverse group of leaders to serve as agents and sustainers of positive change for the quality of life in the Dallas Region.  The program serves as a opportunity for individuals who are both acknowledged and aspiring leaders to continue their professional development and further cultivate a demonstrated commitment to serving the community.

August 2018 – Texas Monthly Magazine – Selected for the 2018 list of “Five Star Wealth Managers” for Best in Client Satisfaction as published in the August issue of Texas Monthly Magazine.  Each advisor was evaluated on nine criteria: (i) customer service, (ii) integrity, (iii) knowledge/expertise, (iv) communication, (v) value for fee charged, (vi) whether the wealth manager meets client financial objectives, (vii) post sale service, (viii) quality of recommendations and (ix) overall satisfaction.  This is Patrick's 7th year to be selected.

April 2018 – Drug Enforcement Administration Citizens Academy – The DEA Citizens Academy is a program for those in occupations ranging from federal, state and local government to law enforcement, private security, religious leadership, education, the law, finance, the media, and small business.  Through the Citizens Academy, DEA leaders and specialists teach the academy about the DEA's tough work and vital mission in the fight against illegal drugs -- not only in America, but all around the world. There are trips to the DEA lab as well as to ranges where the DEA's special agents train. The academy takes part in a simulated surveillance operation which gives them the sensation of the split-second decisions DEA Special Agents face in the field.  Each of the graduates come away from the multi-week program with a strong knowledge of how the DEA does its job and how private citizens, can help the agency make a difference.  2018 graduate.

February 2018 – Investor’s Business Daily – Interviewed and quoted in the article “When Do You Fire A Difficult Client?” by Morey Stettener, covering the different approaches advisors have for screening out potentially difficult clients and how they deal with them if they make it past the screening process.

February 2018 – Editorial Review Board for the Journal of Financial Planning - Patrick Dougherty has been appointed to another term with the review board.  The JFP is a peer reviewed publication and considered to be the premier “academic” journal of the financial planning profession.  The Editorial Review Board plays an essential role in evaluating manuscripts being considered for publication.  Members of the board contribute their expertise on varied financial planning topics, assessing submissions for technical accuracy, soundness of research, quality of writing, objectivity, pertinence, and benefit to Journal readers.

December 2017 – Podcast: “Solving the Planning Implementation Problem” – The Financial Planning Association’s Podcast Series: “You’re a Financial Planner…Now What?” Invited Patrick to present his belief system on how to solve the challenges faced by many planners in implementing their recommendations.

November 2017 – Best Financial Planner – Patrick Dougherty, founder and President of Dougherty Wealth Management, was again nominated to D Magazine’s list of the "Best Financial Planners in Dallas" published in their November 2017 issue. This exclusive peer nominated list is compiled by surveying Certified Financial Planners (CFP®) in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex to ask them: "Who, outside their own companies, would they recommend?"

October 2017 – NBC 5/Dallas Morning News – Participated in the Dallas Morning News’ annual "Ask A CFP®" call-in Hotline to answer readers’ questions about financial topics.

August 2017 – Financial Planning Magazine – Interviewed and quoted in the article, “Hardest Thing Advisors Do? Name Their Practice” by Andrew Welsch querying advisors on the difficulty of deciding on a name for their firm.

August 2017 – Texas Monthly Magazine – Selected for the 2017 list of "Five Star Wealth Managers” for Best in Client Satisfaction as published in the August issue of Texas Monthly Magazine. Each advisor was evaluated on nine criteria: (i) customer service, (ii) integrity, (iii) knowledge/expertise, (iv) communication, (v) value for fee charged, (vi) whether the wealth manager meets client financial objectives, (vii) post sale service, (viii) quality of recommendations and (ix) overall satisfaction.  This is Patrick's 6th year to be selected.

June 2017 – Investment News – Interviewed and quoted in the article, “More Advisors Disapprove of Trump Job Performance at Six-Month Mark” by Mark Schoeff, Jr., which surveyed advisors to learn how they grade President Donald J. Trump’s first six months in office.

June 2017 – Investment News – Interviewed and quoted in the article, “10 Surprising Summer Jobs Advisers Have Had – and What They Learned from Them” by Jeff Benjamin, focusing on what lessons you can take away from temporary employment.  “Starting early [each morning] positions you to be ahead of your competition,” said Patrick Dougherty.

February 2017 – Investment News – Interviewed and quoted in the article, “RIAs Embrace the Tough-Love Feedback of Advisory Boards” by Jeff Benjamin, covering the use of advisory boards by advisory firms.  “We created an advisory board to bring information, advice, quality, expertise, and professionalism to our firm.  The board provides big picture guidance: pinpointing potential pitfalls in our business and marketing plans; and providing input for solutions to any ongoing challenges that are encountered,” said Patrick Dougherty.

November 2016 – Investor’s Business Daily – Interviewed and quoted in the article, “Calculate That! Advisors Find Easy Ways to Crunch Numbers” by Morey Stettner. Stettner interviews and quotes financial advisors discussing the different calculators they use to crunch the numbers, including: on-line website based, and software based, as well as handheld calculators.  Dougherty Wealth Management uses both the “Business Analyst II Plus” by Texas Instruments as well as creating custom Excel spreadsheet for complex issue calculations.

November 2016 – Dallas Estate Planning Council – Patrick Dougherty presented and led a discussion with the Emerging Professionals group of the Dallas Estate Planning Counsel on best practices relating to the integration of “Centers of Influence and Allied Professionals.”  He presented a case for the important difference between the two and why you should consider them both critical to the success of your practice but for different reasons.

November 2016 – Best Financial Planner – Patrick Dougherty, founder and President of Dougherty Wealth Management, was again nominated to D Magazine’s list of the "Best Financial Planners in Dallas" published in their November 2016 issue. This exclusive peer nominated list is compiled by surveying Certified Financial Planners (CFP®) in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex to ask them: "Who, outside their own companies, would they recommend?"

October 2016 – Southern Methodist University – Patrick Dougherty was invited to speak as a Guest Lecturer to the Continuing and Professional Education’s Capstone Class for Certified Financial Planner candidates.  Topic: "A Professional's Philosophy and Belief System."

September 2016 – Dallas Morning News – Participated in the Dallas Morning News’ annual "Ask A CFP®" call-in Hotline to answer readers’ questions about financial topics.

September 2016 – CNBC Online – Interviewed and quoted in the article, “Commissions are Devouring Your 529 Earnings and Gains” by Darla Mercado.  Posted on September 20, 2016, the article discusses how the commissions and fees imbedded in some advisor 529 plans minimize the earnings to the investor.  Patrick Dougherty discusses Dougherty Wealth Management’s choice of 529 plans that offer institutional class funds which have very low fees and charge no commissions to the investor.  This allows for greater growth and more funds available to the student for college expenses.

August 2016 – Financial Advisor IQ – Interviewed and quoted in the article, “Origin Stories,” by Thomas Cole.  The article discusses how and why financial advisors chose their calling.  You can read DWM’s Founder’s Story on the “About Us’ page of this website.

August 2016 – InfraGard – Patrick Dougherty is proud to be approved for membership into InfraGard!  InfraGard, a partnership between the FBI and the private sector, is an association of persons who represent businesses, academic institutions, state and local law enforcement agencies and other participants dedicated to sharing information and intelligence to prevent hostile acts against the United States.

July 2016 – Southern Methodist University – Patrick Dougherty was invited to speak as a Guest Lecturer to the Continuing and Professional Education’s Capstone Class for Certified Financial Planner candidates on “Business Planning for Financial Advisors.”

April 2016 – Southern Methodist University – Patrick Dougherty was invited to speak as a Guest Lecturer to the Continuing and Professional Education’s Capstone Class for Certified Financial Planner candidates on “Starting a Financial Planning Practice.”

March 2016 – NexGen Community – NexGen is a community for Financial Planning Association’s members aged 36 and under that focuses on the next generation of financial professionals.  Patrick Dougherty presented a program to the NexGen’s Dallas Chapter on “Centers of Influence and Allied Professionals.”

November 2015 – Best Financial Planner – Patrick Dougherty, founder and President of Dougherty Wealth Management, was again nominated to D Magazine’s list of the "Best Financial Planners in Dallas" published in their November 2015 issue. This exclusive peer nominated list is compiled by surveying Certified Financial Planners (CFP®) in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex to ask them: "Who, outside their own companies, would they recommend?"

October 2015 – Financial Planning Association Roundtable – Patrick Dougherty participated as a panelist for a FPA Dallas/Fort Worth Roundtable to discuss the topic “Showing Clients the Value of Financial Planning Beyond Managing Assets.”

October 2015 – Dallas Morning News – Participated in the Dallas Morning News’ annual "Ask A Planner" call-in Hotline to answer readers’ questions about financial topics.

August 2015 – Texas Monthly Magazine – Selected for the 2015 list of "Five Star Wealth Managers” for Best in Client Satisfaction as published in the August issue of Texas Monthly Magazine. Each advisor was evaluated on nine criteria: (i) customer service, (ii) integrity, (iii) knowledge/expertise, (iv) communication, (v) value for fee charged, (vi) whether the wealth manager meets client financial objectives, (vii) post sale service, (viii) quality of recommendations and (ix) overall satisfaction. This is Patrick's 5th year to be selected.

July 2015 – The Suite Magazine – "The Suite" interviewed Patrick Dougherty regarding his views and philosophy about the practice of Wealth Management. Topics discussed: Client Acquisition; investment Philosophy; Financial Literacy of Clients; Fiduciary Standards; Client Communication; Lifestyle vs. Retirement Funding; Strategies for Volatile Markets; Fees and Compensation Models. 

June 2015 – Investment News – "Private-Equity Made Easy for Financial Advisors" – Patrick Dougherty was interviewed and quoted for this Investment News article regarding why and how advisors access private equity for their clients.

June 2015 – NexGen Gathering: Building Community, University of Texas at Dallas in Richardson, Texas – Patrick Dougherty was invited to be a Facilitator for the NexGen's 2015 Gathering titled: Building Community.  NexGen is a community for Financial Planning Association members aged 36 and under that focuses on the next generation of financial professionals.  The "Gathering" provides the attendees an opportunity to discuss hot topics and trends facing the future of the financial planning profession.

May 2015 – Financial Planning Association of Dallas/Fort Worth Financial Planning Symposium – Patrick Dougherty presented a CFP® Continuing Education seminar titled, “Adding Your Art to the Science of Financial Planning.”  The Financial Planning Association is the largest professional association for the financial planning profession and Certified Financial PlannersTM.

April 2015 – 10 Year Anniversary – Dougherty Wealth Management is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year.  Dougherty Wealth Management works with a select group of high-net-worth clients to create custom solutions for wealth accumulation, protection, and multi-generational transfers.

February 2015 –Journal of Financial Planning – Patrick Dougherty has been appointed to another term with the Journal of Financial Planning’s (JFP’s) Editorial Review Board.  The JFP is a peer reviewed publication, considered to be the premier “academic” journal of the financial planning profession.  The Editorial Review Board plays an essential role in evaluating manuscripts being considered for publication.  Members of the board contribute their expertise on varied financial planning topics, assessing submissions for technical accuracy, soundness of research, quality of writing, objectivity, pertinence, and benefit to Journal readers.

January 2015 – FPA DFW Career Day 2015 – The Financial Planning Association of Dallas-Fort Worth sponsors a “Career Day” each year to connect financial planners seeking employment with local financial planning firms looking for additional personnel. Patrick Dougherty presented a seminar to the young planners on “Career Strategies for a Dynamic Profession.”

November 2014 – Best Financial Planner – Patrick Dougherty, founder and President of Dougherty Wealth Management, was again nominated to D Magazine’s list of the "Best Financial Planners in Dallas" published in their November 2014 issue. This exclusive peer nominated list is compiled by surveying Certified Financial Planners (CFP®) in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex to ask them: "Who, outside their own companies, would they recommend?"

October 2014 – Dallas Morning News – Participated in the Dallas Morning News’ annual "Ask A Planner" call-in Hotline to answer readers’ questions about financial topics.

October 2014 – Honor Award – The Financial Planning Association of Dallas/Fort Worth honored Patrick Dougherty with their annual "Honors Award" during Financial Planning Week.  The Honors Award recognizes planners who have a lifelong commitment to the financial planning profession and the Financial Planning Association of Dallas/Fort Worth.

September 2014 – Financial Planning Association's National Conference, Seattle, Washington – Patrick Dougherty was invited to speak at the presentation titled, "Developing Your Most Valuable Asset:  Your Network."

December 2013 – Best Financial PlannerPatrick Dougherty, founder and President of Dougherty Wealth Management, was again nominated to D Magazine’s list of the "Best Financial Planners in Dallas" published in their December 2013 issue. This exclusive peer nominated list is compiled by surveying Certified Financial Planners (CFP®) in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex to ask them: "Who, outside their own companies, would they recommend?"

August 2013 – Texas Monthly Magazine – Selected for the 2013 list of "Five Star Wealth Managers” for Best in Client Satisfaction as published in the August issue of Texas Monthly Magazine. Each advisor was evaluated on nine criteria: (i) customer service, (ii) integrity, (iii) knowledge/expertise, (iv) communication, (v) value for fee charged, (vi) whether the wealth manager meets client financial objectives, (vii) post sale service, (viii) quality of recommendations and (ix) overall satisfaction. This is Patrick's 4th year to be selected.

July 2013 – News Release Dougherty Wealth Management Relocates.  Dougherty Wealth Management, LLC is proud to announce its move to new offices located in close proximity to the Tollway/Galleria area in north Dallas.  We are growing and this move will allow us space for our additional staffing needs.

April 2013 – Southern Methodist University – Patrick Dougherty presented a day long Boot Camp on Creating Business Plans for SMU's Professional Education Program.

February 2013 –Journal of Financial Planning – Patrick Dougherty has been appointed to another term with the Journal of Financial Planning’s (JFP’s) Editorial Review Board.  The JFP is a peer reviewed publication, considered to be the premier “academic” journal of the financial planning profession.  The Editorial Review Board plays an essential role in evaluating manuscripts being considered for publication.  Members of the board contribute their expertise on varied financial planning topics, assessing submissions for technical accuracy, soundness of research, quality of writing, objectivity, pertinence, and benefit to Journal readers.

November 2012 – Best Financial Planner – Patrick Dougherty, founder and President of Dougherty Wealth Management, was again nominated to D Magazine’s list of the "Best Financial Planners in Dallas" published in their November 2012 issue. This exclusive peer nominated list is compiled by surveying Certified Financial Planners (CFP®) in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex to ask them: "Who, outside their own companies, would they recommend?"

October 2012 – Round Table Series for Financial Professionals – Participated as a panelist for the Financial Planning Association of DFW's Round Table, Breaking into the Registered Investment Advisor World.

October 2012 – Dallas Morning News – Participated in the Dallas Morning News’ annual "Ask A Planner" call-in Hotline to answer readers’ questions about financial topics.

September 2012 – Southern Methodist University – Accepted an invitation to teach the Capstone course for SMU's Certificate Program in Personal Financial Planning beginning with the Fall 2012 semester.  This certificate program is part of Southern Methodist University's Department of Continuing and Professional Education.

August 2012 – Texas Monthly Magazine – Selected for the 2012 list of "Five Star Wealth Managers” for Best in Client Satisfaction as published in the August issue of Texas Monthly Magazine. Each advisor was evaluated on nine criteria: (i) customer service, (ii) integrity, (iii) knowledge/expertise, (iv) communication, (v) value for fee charged, (vi) whether the wealth manager meets client financial objectives, (vii) post sale service, (viii) quality of recommendations and (ix) overall satisfaction. This is Patrick's 3rd year to be selected.

July 2012 – Southern Methodist University – Presented lecture on "Creating Business Plans" to the Capstone course for SMU's Certificate Program in Personal Financial Planning.

June 2012 – CFP® Disciplinary and Ethics Commission – Patrick Dougherty served as a volunteer for the Certified Financial Planner™ Board of Standard's Disciplinary and Ethics Commission (DEC) Hearings in Washington D.C.  The DEC's responsibility is to investigate complaints against CFPs®.

February 2012 – News Release – Patrick Dougherty, partnered with a colleague to create a monthly seminar series, "You're A Financial Planner: Now What?", for new financial planners with 0-5 years' experience.  The seminar is designed to help people new to the profession to be successful in growing their planning practices.

October 2011 – Dallas Morning News – Participated in the Dallas Morning News’ annual "Ask A Planner" call-in Hotline to answer readers’ questions about financial topics.

August 2011 – News Release – Dougherty Wealth Management is pleased to announce that Tania Bailey joined our team as a Paraplanner.  Mrs. Bailey comes to us with 8 years at the Texas Court of Appeals, and 4 years in the insurance industry.

February 2011 – Dallas Morning News Money Makeover – Dougherty Wealth Management participated with the newspaper and the Financial Planning Association of DFW to create a money makeover plan for a Dallas family.

February 2011 –Journal of Financial Planning – Patrick Dougherty has been appointed to another term with the Journal of Financial Planning’s (JFP’s) Editorial Review Board.  The JFP is a peer reviewed publication, considered to be the premier “academic” journal of the financial planning profession.  The Editorial Review Board plays an essential role in evaluating manuscripts being considered for publication.  Members of the board contribute their expertise on varied financial planning topics, assessing submissions for technical accuracy, soundness of research, quality of writing, objectivity, pertinence, and benefit to Journal readers.

October 2010 – Best Financial Planner – Patrick Dougherty, founder and President of Dougherty Wealth Management, was again nominated to D Magazine’s list of the "Best Financial Planners in Dallas" published in their October 2010 issue. This exclusive peer nominated list is compiled by surveying Certified Financial Planners (CFP®) in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex to ask them: who, outside their own companies, they would send their families to.

October 2010 – Dallas Morning News – Participated in the Dallas Morning News’ annual "Ask A Planner" call-in Hotline to answer readers’ questions about financial topics.

August 2010 – Texas Monthly Magazine – Selected for the 2010 list of "Five Star Wealth Managers” for Best in Client Satisfaction as published in the August issue of Texas Monthly Magazine. Each advisor was evaluated on nine criteria: (i) customer service, (ii) integrity, (iii) knowledge/expertise, (iv) communication, (v) value for fee charged, (vi) whether the wealth manager meets client financial objectives, (vii) post sale service, (viii) quality of recommendations and (ix) overall satisfaction. This is Patrick's second 2nd year to be selected. 

April 2010 – 5 Year Anniversary – Dougherty Wealth Management is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year.  Dougherty Wealth Management works with a select group of high-net-worth clients to create custom solutions for wealth accumulation, protection, and multi-generational transfers.

January 2010 – Financial Planning Magazine's"Movers and Shakers: 2010" - Patrick Dougherty was named in the article on Movers and Shakers in the planning profession as one of the co-founders of Mid-Profession and Career Transition (MPACT), a Community of Interest within the Financial Planning Association.

November 2009 – FBI Citizens Academy – The Citizens Academy is a program for business, civic, and community leaders to give them an inside look at the FBI.  The mission of the FBI Citizens Academy is to foster a greater understanding of the role of federal law enforcement in the community through frank discussion and education.  2009 Graduate and Alumni Association member. 

October 2009 – Dallas Morning News – Participated in the Dallas Morning News’ annual "Ask A Planner" call-in Hotline to answer readers’ questions about financial topics.

October 2009 – Financial Planning Association's NextGen09 National Conference, Anaheim, California – Middle Markets Panel Discussion - Invited to participate as a panelist for a conference seminar session addressing the topic of how financial advisors can effectively and successfully serve the middle markets.

September 2009 – Fidelity Investments – Contracted to teach the course, "Principles of Financial Planning" as part of Fidelity's in-house Certified Financial Planner curriculum through the University of Dallas’ Professional Development Program.

August 2009 – Texas Monthly Magazine – Selected for the 2009 list of "Five Star Wealth Managers” for Best in Client Satisfaction as published in the August issue of Texas Monthly Magazine.  Each advisor was evaluated on nine criteria: (i) customer service, (ii) integrity, (iii) knowledge/expertise, (iv) communication, (v) value for fee charged, (vi) whether the wealth manager meets client financial objectives, (vii) post sale service, (viii) quality of recommendations and (ix) overall satisfaction. 

August 2009 – Texas Instruments, Incorporated – Patrick Dougherty was invited by Texas Instruments to take part in the beta testing of their Business Analyst II Financial Calculator iPhone App.

July 2009 – Journal of Financial Planning – “When Couples Clash Over Finances” - Interviewed/quoted in this article covering the challenges faced when couples disagree on financial matters.

July 2009 - News Release - Dougherty Wealth Management Relocates.  Dougherty Wealth Management, LLC is proud to announce its move to new offices to the North Dallas Tollway and Legacy area in Plano.  This move will allow is space for our additional staffing needs.

June 2009 – Money Magazine – “Can You Afford a Career Switch?:  How a family will pay for Dad to go back to school” by Karen Cheney – Asked by Money Magazine to participate in a "Money Makeover" for a reader's real-life scenario to help their family choose a solution to a mid-life career change which was published in the June issue of Money Magazine.

February 2009 – News Release – "Patrick Dougherty has been appointed to the Journal of Financial Planning’s Editorial Review Board."  The JFP is a peer reviewed publication, considered to be the premier “academic” journal of the planning profession.  The Editorial Review Board plays an essential role in evaluating manuscripts being considered for publication. Members of the board contribute their expertise on varied financial topics, assessing submissions for technical accuracy, soundness of research, pertinence and benefit to Journal readers.

January 2009 – Best Financial Planner – Patrick Dougherty, founder and President of Dougherty Wealth Management, was again nominated to D Magazine’s list of the "Best Financial Planners in Dallas" published in their January 2009 issue.  This exclusive peer nominated list is compiled by surveying Certified Financial Planners (CFP®) in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex to ask them: who, outside their own companies, they would send their families to.

November 14, 2008 – Investment News – “A Is For Advisor - Extra Designations Help Advisors Make The Grade" - Interviewed/quoted in this article on the different certifications and designations available to financial advisors.

October 13, 2008 - Dallas Morning News – “Texas Launches New Prepaid Tuition Plan” By Pamela Yip - Interviewed/quoted in this article covering the Texas state prepaid tuition program.

October 2008 – Dallas Morning News – Participated in the Dallas Morning News’ annual "Ask A Planner" call-in Hotline to answer readers’ questions about financial topics.

July 2008 – Journal of Financial Planning – “Reaching Out to the Next Generation: Educating Your Clients Children" - Interviewed/quoted in this article covering education planning.

June 1, 2008 – Senior Market Advisor – "The planner's perspective" - Interviewed/quoted in this article covering financial planners using Independent Long Term Care Insurance providers.

May 2008 - Solutions Magazine – "Self-Improvement Solutions:  The Benefits of a Study Group" - Interviewed/quoted in this article covering the use of study groups by financial advisors as a way to improve their practices.

March 2008 - Solutions Magazine – "Create a Successful Advisory Team" by Lance Ritchlin.  Interviewed/quoted in this article discussing how to build a team that provides a competitive advantage for your clients.

November 2007 – Investment Advisor Magazine – "A Lean Custom Team For Today" by Lewis Schiff.  Interviewed/quoted in this article discussing how an advanced planning team is often a better choice than a family office.

October 2007 – Dallas Morning News – Participated in the Dallas Morning News’ annual "Ask A Planner" call-in Hotline to answer readers’ questions about financial topics.

July 2007 – University of Dallas Graduate School of Management – Recipient of the Graduate School of Management’s "Design & Development Award" for the design, development, and implementation of an on-line course in Financial Planning.

January 2007 – News Release – "Patrick Dougherty has been appointed to the Journal of Financial Planning’s Advisory Board."  The JFP is a peer reviewed publication, considered to be the premier “academic” journal of the planning profession.  The advisory board works with the editorial staff to determine specific perspectives for monthly feature articles, proposing technical topics to be covered in the Journal's "Contributions" section and suggesting possible authors for technical articles.

October 2006 – Dallas Morning News – Participated in the Dallas Morning News’ annual "Ask A Planner" call-in Hotline to answer readers’ questions about financial topics.

September 2006 – Certified Financial Planner Certification – Patrick Dougherty completed the requirements to become a CFP® Certificant. The Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) is a professional certification granted in the United States by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, Inc. To attain the right to use the CFP® marks, an individual must satisfactorily fulfill the following requirements:

1. Education – Earn a bachelor's degree or higher from an accredited college or university and complete CFP® Board-approved coursework at a college or university through a CFP Board Registered Program. The coursework covers the financial planning subject areas CFP Board has determined are necessary for the competent and professional delivery of financial planning services, as well as a comprehensive financial plan development capstone course. A candidate may satisfy some of the coursework requirements through other qualifying credentials.

2. Examination – Pass the comprehensive CFP® Certification Examination. The examination is designed to assess an individual's ability to integrate and apply a broad base of financial planning knowledge in the context of real-life financial planning situations.

3. Experience – Complete 6,000 hours of professional experience related to the personal financial planning process, or 4,000 hours of apprenticeship experience that meets additional requirements.

4. Ethics – Satisfy the Fitness Standards for Candidates for CFP® Certification and Former CFP® Professionals Seeking Reinstatement and agree to be bound by CFP® Board's Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct ("Code and Standards"), which sets forth the ethical and practice standards for CFP® professionals.

April 2005 – University of Dallas Graduate School of Management – Patrick Dougherty, President of Dougherty Financial Services, has accepted the position of Adjunct Professor with the University of Dallas Graduate School of Management. Mr. Dougherty will teach courses in the School’s MBA in Financial Services curriculum.

March 2005 – News Release – Dougherty Financial Services announced that it will open it’s doors on April 1st under the leadership of founder, Patrick Dougherty.  The firm’s core offerings will be comprehensive financial planning and asset management with a focus on offering clients more personal, more meaningful, more client-focused advice.  “Our founding principal will be that our clients’ interests will always come first,” said Patrick Dougherty, President of Dougherty Financial Services.

December 2004 – Best Financial Planner – Patrick Dougherty, founder and President of Dougherty Wealth Management, was again nominated to D Magazine’s list of the "Best Financial Planners in Dallas" published in their December 2004 issue.  This exclusive peer nominated list is compiled by surveying Certified Financial Planners (CFP®) in the Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex to ask them: who, outside their own companies, they would send their families to.